Code of Conduct
The Carolina Riot scenario paintball team strives to play honorable and stand up paintball.
Therefore the following actions will not be tolerated:
On the field:
Cheating: If you feel the hit call yourself out, if you are unsure call yourself out.
Stealing: If it is not yours don't touch it.
Trash Talking: We are there to have fun not to put everyone down.
Swearing: Kids play paintball we don't need to expand their vocabulary
Arguing a Call: The Refs are right period, if something has to be discussed let the team captain do it.
Physical Altercations: We are not there to get into fist fights, walk away from the situation.
Arguing with Team Leadership: The team leadership is not perfect, if you have a problem discuss it in private
Safety Violations: Leave your mask on when on the field, obey all safety rules of the field.
Off the Field
Insulting a fellow team member or sponsor
Insulting the field staff
Not cleaning up after yourself
Using paintball equipment in a manner that is not intended off of the field. (this will get you a suspension or more likely an expulsion quicker than anything else. Paintball suffers from a bad public image mainly due to people using paintball markers for malicious intent.)